Apprenticeships policies
You can read any of our Apprenticeships Policies by downloading the documents on this page.
British Values Statement
Makers has a statutory responsibility to safeguard our apprentices. We regularly review the Prevent agenda against our own policies to make sure we provide a safe environment for all of our apprentices.
Anti-Bribery Policy
This anti-bribery policy exists to set out the responsibilities of Makers and those who work for us in regards to observing and upholding our zero-tolerance position on bribery and
Equal Opportunities Policy
Makers will ensure that diversity is valued and equality of opportunity is promoted at all times. We will promote actions that make a real difference to people both in our role as an employer and a training provider.
Complaints Procedure
We are committed to delivering a high quality apprenticeship service which incorporates feedback from our apprentices and employers. We aim to settle complaints promptly, fairly
and courteously.
Conflict of Interest Policy
Individuals should always disclose an activity if they are in doubt about whether it represents a conflict of interest. When a conflict or potential conflict is identified, it should be reported to the Centre’s Internal Quality Assurance (IQA).
Modern Slavery Policy
We are committed to ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our organisation and wider supply chains. This policy reflects our commitment to acting ethically, with integrity in all our business relationships.
Health and Safety Policy
Everyone in the work environment has both a legal and ethical responsibility for ensuring their workplace is safe, for themselves, their colleagues and visitors, including contractors and other service providers.
Safeguarding & Prevent Policy
Our aim is to ensure that staff are fully engaged in being vigilant about raising awareness and ensure that we work alongside agencies and professional bodies to ensure that our students and staff are safe from harm.
Malpractice & Maladministration Policy
This policy is aimed at our staff and customers, including students, who are delivering/registered on Makers programmes or courses, approved qualifications or units and who are involved in suspected or actual malpractice/maladministration.
Full Recruitment & Selection Policy
This policy has been developed to support managers and those involved in recruitment and selection procedures. Current practice is constantly reviewed against current legislation and practice in order to develop a safer recruitment policy.
Support and Escalation Policy
This policy outlines the support and escalation process delivered during Apprenticeships programmes. It includes details of both informal, and formal support methods and explains the formal escalation process in those cases where a learner fails to demonstrate progress. This policy is aimed at our staff and customers, including students enrolled in a Makers Apprenticeship programme.