Free up your time and unleash your potential at work with AI.


Makers AI for your business.

The Makers AI programme can be designed in collaboration with you to establish AI as a tool in your team’s workflow. A bespoke programme can vary in length from a single workshop to a longer term project including lunch-and-learns, train-the-trainer sessions and workshops to help your team adapt to new tools as they arrive.

If you’re an SME, there’s government funding available for this which we can help you apply for. Find out more here or contact us using this form.

A typical bespoke programme is structured in three tiers: practitioner workshops, expert workshops and trainer workshops.


Practitioner workshops provide confidence and clarity. Learners will cover:

  • An introduction to context and how AI works at a high level.
  • The opportunities AI offers for general work tasks, the risks it presents and how to mitigate them.
  • Trying AI: delivering a real end to end project using AI to explore a wide range of capabilities.
  • Applying AI: identifying ways to free up time unleash capability in your current working week with a goal is taking 5 hours minimum a week out and increasing the quality of output.

Expert workshops will allow candidates to deepen their abilities in a peer group setting. These include:

  • Technical demos by Makers coaches.
  • In-depth case-based discussions about ethics and responsible AI.
  • Work mapping to uncover new opportunities for the use of AI at work.

Trainer workshops will build candidates ability to train others in their teams. These include:

  • Using AI to generate content to replicate the practitioner workshop for your team with tailored content.
  • Developing and practicing delivering the content in a peer-group setting with support from Makers’ technical and leadership coaches.

Alongside these workshops our platform content provides scalable support to reach your whole company through a train-the-trainer model, as well as creating a long tail of engagement with your team.


Register for the next Makers AI workshop on 13th June.

Join us for a 1-day workshop at Makers HQ in London where you’ll gain the confidence and skills to use generative AI effectively at work. You’ll learn about what Generative AI actually is, what it’s good and bad at, and how to apply it directly to your work to save you time and increase your joy and creativity.

Through lively discussions, practical exercises and demos from our expert coaches (and a tasty breakfast and lunch), you’ll learn with 20 other leaders and innovators who are exploring how to make the most of AI in their businesses. Perfect for anyone curious about how to work in new ways using common Generative AI tools.



Date: Thursday 13th June 2024

Time: 9am-5.30pm

Venue: Makers HQ, Zetland House, London

Price: £550 plus VAT

Includes breakfast and lunch.

Embracing AI, Internally

We practice what we preach, and are exploring new ways to implement AI to transform our own working practice, including key areas such as sales and training.

The result? Up-to-date courses offering comprehensive tuition, and access to a talent pool brimming with expertise.

We’ve recognised AI’s benefits. It’s time for you to reap the rewards.

Talk to the team